Dear Artist:
Thank you for your interest in the St. Catherine of Bologna 19th Annual Photography, Art & Poetry Exhibition and Sale, featuring Musical Performances. Please read the attached guidelines carefully and return your application, along with your fee, no later than February 20, 2018 to:
David J. Nocera
St. Catherine of Bologna Church
Patron of the Arts Association
112 Erskine Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Entries are accepted on a first-come, first served basis until our maximum number is met. Photography and art hanging fees for adult artists are $45.00 for 3 entries. Check the prospectus for further details.
Receiving day for all entries is Sunday, March 4, 2018 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM at St. Catherine of Bologna Parish Center,112 Erskine Road (right side of the upper parking lot), Ringwood, NJ. If you cannot make it March 4th, please have someone drop it off for you. Please also consider donating additional original artwork to our Silent Auction.
This year our Spotlight will commemorate Ringwood’s 100th Anniversary with entries in all disciplines which depict Ringwood. Judging will award a special Ringwood 100th Anniversary prize for one entry in each discipline - Art, Photography and Poetry - which best represents Ringwood and its history.
In memory of our beloved friends, Monsignor Pat and Sister Matthew, the Spirituality Award “Celebrating the Light That You Are” will be selected for the work with best illustrates the philosophy Sister Matthew expressed when she said “In us there is a light, a beauty, a thing we share with others. There is a light that comes out of you that will always help you.”
Be sure to indicate these special Ringwood and Spirituality entries on both the application and the artwork labels.
Again this year, we will host the Artist Meet-and-Greet, a private event for all participating artists. We hope you will plan to attend the Artist Meet-and-Greet on Saturday March 10th from 3-4 PM, prior to doors opening to admit the general public.
We provide a designated area for artists to display business cards. Cards must not be displayed in any other area, and should be submitted with your entry at drop-off on March 4th.
Prints sales will no longer be allowed, but photographers may offer duplicate framed works, after the sale of the original, at the same price. Please remember the artist bears the responsibility of delivering or shipping the item as soon as possible after the exhibition. Sales information will be supplied and the usual donation applies.
Once again, thank you for your participation and support. We look forward to viewing your artistic work and seeing you at the Exhibition. If you have any further questions, please visit our website at www.StCathArts.org or call Linda at (201) 314-8045 or email her at info@stcatharts.org.
David J. Nocera
Exhibition Coordinator
Exhibition Hours
Friday, March 9, 2018 - 6:00PM to 11:00PM
Saturday, March 10, 2018
3:00PM to 4:00PM Artist Reception
4:00PM to 11:00PM
Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 10:00AM to 3:00PM
This exhibition is open to all professional, amateur and student photographers, artists, and poets submitting their original works.
Digital Photographic Art
Submissions from previous St. Catherine Exhibitions will not be accepted for judging, but may be donated to the silent auction.
Exemption for 2018 - You may display one
Ringwood entry from a previous year for the 100th Anniversary Spotlight.
No applications will be accepted after
Tuesday, February
20, 2018.
2018 Hanging Fees
Adult Artists
Art, Sculpture, and/or Photography - There ia a $45 fee
for up to three (3) entries. In addition, Adult Artists
submitting Art, Sculpture and/or Photography may also submit up to 3 poems at a discounted rate of $5 per poem ($15 maximum).
Poetry Only - There is a $30 fee, up to and including a maximum of 3 entries.
High School Artists (Grades 9-12)
Art, Sculpture, Photography and/or Poetry - There is a $15 fee for up to and including a maximum of 2 entries.
Student Artists (Grades K-8)
Art, Sculpture, Photography or Poetry - There is a $5 fee. Limited to one entry only.
Contact Information
If you have any questions, please check this website or call Linda at (201) 314-8045 or email her at info@stcatharts.org.
All hanging entries, Art, Photo, Poetry & Children, must be professionally presented and suitable for hanging, including framing
and matting (all photo & poetry),
gallery wrapped, Plexiglas, etc. All work must be ready for hanging, complete with appropriate wire hanging support (i.e. screw eyes with wire).

No Tape,
No String,
No Clips.
Note: A fee of $10.00 will be imposed to supply wiring materials at drop-off
(not for metal).
There is a 50 Lb. weight limit on all pieces, including sculpture.
Due to pastoral guidelines, we cannot accept any entry containing inappropriate or suggestive material, and have the right to reject pieces that depict nudity, violence, etc.
Please print out, complete and attach the labels found on this website to the
back of each submission. Please choose your piece’s category carefully, as it will be hung with and
judged in the category you designate. See list of categories at bottom of label
All submissions will be handled with reasonable care. St. Catherine of Bologna Patron of the Arts Association shall not be responsible for damage, loss or
theft. Submitting an entry in this exhibition shall imply agreement on the part of photographer, artist, poet,
or sculptor with all of the conditions
outlined in this prospectus. Winning entries will be posted on our website in non-reproducible form.
Receiving Day
Receiving Day for all entries is Sunday, March
4th, 2018, 12:00 - 5:00 PM. All entries must be delivered to:
St. Cattherine of Bologna Parish Center
112 Erskine Road
Ringwood, NJ. (upper parking lot on right side)
Silent Auction
In addition to your submissions to be judged, please consider donating to our silent auction. Silent Auction submissions will not be judged.
We encourage you to submit a
"brief" artist biography to be printed in our program. Please provide a brief, 75 word maximum bio in the online application by
February 20, 2018. Your bio may be subject to editing; no bios accepted after February 20th.
Awards will be presented for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Honorable Mention in each category. There will be a Judge’s Choice Award given by each judge and a
Special Ringwood 100th Anniversary Award for best in art, photography, poetry and sculpture depicting Ringwood.
The Spiritual "Celebrating
The Light That You Are" Award will be selected by our committee for the piece of art, photography and poetry that best depicts a
Celebrating The Light theme.
For Students (K-8), a Judges Choice Award will be given by each Judge for this age group.
High School and Adult Poetry will be judged separately.
Winning Works of Art and
Winners will receive notification on Friday March
9, 2018 via email if your piece(s)
of artwork has won an award. Please send us a jpeg of that piece via email so we may post it on this
A 25% minimum donation is required on all sales and any commissioned work. Artists whose works have sold will receive a check within 30 days.
Artists' Reception
We will hold an Artists
Only Meet-and-Greet on Saturday, March 10th from 3 PM to 4PM, prior to
the show. This will be a "meet and greet" event for all participating artists to
get to know one another.
Entry Pick Up
You must arrange to have your entries picked up on Sunday, March
11th, between 3:15 to 4:15 PM. Entries may not be removed
until the end of the exhibition. St. Catherine Patron of the Arts Association will not be responsible for entries left behind. Please be courteous and pick up your entries promptly. |